Przemyslaw Stpiczynski's publications

[86] Stpiczyński, P. Parallel vectorized algorithms for computing trigonometric sums using AVX-512 extensions. In Computational Science -- ICCS 2024, 24th International Conference, Malaga, Spain, July 2--4, 2024 (2024), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Nature, pp. 158--172. [ bib | DOI ]
[85] Stpiczyński, P., and Zubik-Kowal, B. Dynamic Iteration Error Analysis. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024, pp. 167--183. [ bib | DOI ]
[84] Gajos-Balińska, A., Wojcik, G. M., and Stpiczyński, P. Hybrid implementation of the Fastica algorithm for high-density EEG using the capabilities of the Intel architecture and CUDA programming. Computer Science 24, 4 (2023), 455--472. [ bib | DOI ]
[83] Stec, K., and Stpiczyński, P. Performance of portable sparse matrix-vector product implemented using OpenACC. In Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (2023), IEEE, pp. 1155--1160. [ bib | DOI ]
[82] Marowka, A., and Stpiczyński, P. Editorial on advances in high performance programming. Parallel Computing 117 (2023), 103037. [ bib | DOI ]
[81] Bylina, B., Bylina, J., Chabudziński, L., Karpowicz, K., Klisowski, M., Oleszczuk, P., Potiopa, J., and Stpiczyński, P. Fast slope algorithm with the use of vectorization and parallelization for multicore architectures. GeoInformatica (2023). [ bib | DOI ]
[80] Dmitruk, B., and Stpiczyński, P. Improving accuracy of summation using parallel vectorized Kahan's and Gill-Møller algorithms. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience (2023), 1--13. [ bib | DOI ]
[79] Dmitruk, B., and Stpiczyński, P. Parallel vectorized implementations of compensated summation algorithms. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 14th International Conference, PPAM 2022, Gdańsk, Poland, September 11-14, 2022 (2023), vol. 13827 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Nature, pp. 63--74. [ bib | DOI ]
[78] Dmitruk, B., and Stpiczyński, P. Solving tridiagonal Toeplitz systems of linear equations on GPU-accelerated computers. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience 34 (2022), 6449. [ bib | DOI ]
[77] Kotyra, B., Chabudziński, L., and Stpiczyński, P. High-performance parallel implementations of flow accumulation algorithms for multicore architectures. Computers and Geosciences 151 (2021), 104741. [ bib | DOI ]
[76] Dmitruk, B., and Stpiczyński, P. High performance portable solver for tridiagonal Toeplitz systems of linear equations. In Euro-Par 2020: Parallel Processing Workshops (2021), vol. 12480 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 172--184. [ bib | DOI ]
[75] Gajos-Balińska, A., Wojcik, G. M., and Stpiczyński, P. Cooperation of CUDA and Intel multi-core architecture in the independent component analysis algorithm for EEG data. Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 16, 3 (2020), 20200044. [ bib | DOI ]
[74] Marowka, A., and Stpiczyński, P. Editorial on the special issue on advances in parallel programming: Languages, models and algorithms. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 140 (2020), 63--64. [ bib | DOI ]
[73] Stpiczyński, P. Algorithmic and language-based optimization of Marsa-LFIB4 pseudorandom number generator using OpenMP, OpenACC and CUDA. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 137 (2020), 238--245. [ bib | DOI ]
[72] Stpiczyński, P. Parallel fully vectorized Marsa-LFIB4: Algorithmic and language-based optimization of recursive computations. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 13th International Conference, PPAM 2019, Bialystok, Poland, September 8-11, 2019 (2020), vol. 12044 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 3--12. [ bib | DOI ]
[71] Dmitruk, B., and Stpiczyński, P. Vectorized parallel solver for tridiagonal Toeplitz systems of linear equations. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 13th International Conference, PPAM 2019, Bialystok, Poland, September 8-11, 2019 (2020), vol. 12043 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 93--103. [ bib | DOI ]
[70] Gajos-Balińska, A., Wojcik, G. M., and Stpiczyński, P. Performance comparison of parallel fastICA algorithm in the PLGrid structures. ITM Web of Conferences 21 (2018), 00026. [ bib | DOI ]
[69] Marowka, A., and Stpiczyński, P. Special section on parallel programming. The Journal of Supercomputing 74, 4 (2018), 1419--1421. [ bib | DOI ]
[68] Stpiczyński, P. Language-based vectorization and parallelization using intrinsics, OpenMP, TBB and Cilk Plus. The Journal of Supercomputing 74, 4 (2018), 1461--1472. [ bib | DOI ]
[67] Gajos, A., Wojcik, G. M., and Stpiczyński, P. Parallel independent component analysis algorithm -- performance comparison for EEG signal. In Proceedings of Cracow Grid Workshop - CGW'17, October 23-25 2017 (2017), M. Bubak, M. Turala, and K. Wiatr, Eds., ACC-Cyfronet AGH, pp. 33--34. ISBN 978-83-61433-24-8. [ bib ]
[66] Stpiczyński, P., and Zubik-Kowal, B. Fast parameter estimation for cancer cell progression and response to therapy. In Integral Methods in Science and Engineering. Volume 2, C. Constanda et al., Eds. Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 265--274. [ bib | DOI ]
[65] Gajos-Balińska, A., Wojcik, G. M., and Stpiczyński, P. High performance optimization of independent component analysis algorithm for EEG data. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 12th International Conference, PPAM 2017, Lublin, Poland, September 10-13, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, Part I (2018), vol. 10777 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 495--504. [ bib | DOI ]
[64] Stpiczyński, P. Efficient language-based parallelization of computational problems using Cilk Plus. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 12th International Conference, PPAM 2017, Lublin, Poland, September 10-13, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, Part II (2018), vol. 10778 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 254--263. [ bib | DOI ]
[63] Stpiczyński, P. Vectorized algorithm for multidimensional Monte Carlo integration on modern GPU, CPU and MIC architectures. The Journal of Supercomputing 74, 2 (2018), 936--952. [ bib | DOI ]
[62] Gajos, A., Wojcik, G. M., and Stpiczyński, P. Concept of independent component analysis algorithm parallelisation. In Proceedings of Cracow Grid Workshop - CGW'15, October 26-28 2015 (2015), M. Bubak, M. Turala, and K. Wiatr, Eds., ACC-Cyfronet AGH, pp. 55--56. [ bib ]
[61] Stpiczyński, P., Szalkowski, D., Gawrysiak, L., and Chabudziński, L. Hybrid implementation of evaluation of primary topographic parameters using GPU-accelerated clusters. In Geomorphometry for Geosciences, J. Jasiewicz, Z. Zwoliński, H. Mitasova, and T. Hengl, Eds. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań, 2015, pp. 145--147. ISBN 978-83-7986-059-3. [ bib | .pdf ]
[60] Stpiczyński, P. Semiautomatic acceleration of sparse matrix-vector product using OpenACC. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 11th International Conference, PPAM 2015, Kracow, Poland, September 6-9, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, Part II (2016), vol. 9574 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 143--152. [ bib | DOI ]
[59] Szalkowski, D., and Stpiczyński, P. Using distributed memory parallel computers and GPU clusters for multidimensional Monte Carlo integration. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience 27, 4 (2015), 923--936. [ bib | DOI ]
[58] Bylina, B., Bylina, J., Stpiczyński, P., and Szalkowski, D. Performance analysis of multicore and multinodal implementation of SpMV operation. In Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, September 7-10, 2014, Warsaw, Poland (2014), IEEE, pp. 575--582. [ bib | DOI ]
[57] Murawski, K., Murawski, K., and Stpiczyński, P. MPI-GPU/CUDA implementation of TVDLF method for the two-dimensional advection equation. Control and Cybernetics 43, 2 (2014), 307--320. [ bib | .pdf ]
[56] Szalkowski, D., and Stpiczyński, P. Multidimensional Monte Carlo integration on clusters with hybrid GPU-accelerated nodes. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 10th International Conference, PPAM 2013, Warsaw, Poland, September 8-11, 2013, Revised Selected Papers, Part I (2014), vol. 8384 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 603--612. [ bib | DOI ]
[55] Szalkowski, D., and Stpiczyński, P. Template library for multi-GPU pseudorandom number recursion-based generators. In Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, September 8-11, 2013, Krakow, Poland (2013), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 515--519. [ bib | .pdf ]
[54] Brzuszek, M., and Stpiczyński, P. Dense matrix-vector and matrix-matrix multiplication on GPU clusters. In Design, development and implementation of real-time systems, L. Trybus and M. Mastalerz, Eds. Polish Information Processing Society, Warsaw, 2013, ch. 1, pp. 15--29. ISBN 978-83-7518-601-7. [ bib ]
[53] Stpiczyński, P., and Brzuszek, M. Programowanie wspólbieżne i rozproszone w jezyku Java. Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej w Lublinie, 2012. [ bib | .pdf ]
[52] Stpiczyński, P., Szalkowski, D., and Potiopa, J. Parallel GPU-accelerated recursion-based generators of pseudorandom numbers. In Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, September 9-12, 2012, Wroclaw, Poland (2012), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 571--578. [ bib | .pdf ]
[51] Murawski, K., Murawski, K., and Stpiczyński, P. Implementation of MUSCL-Hancock method into the C++ code for the Euler equations. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences 60, 1 (2012), 45--53. [ bib | DOI ]
[50] Karwacki, M., and Stpiczyński, P. Improving Performance of Triangular Matrix-Vector BLAS Routines on GPUs, vol. 22 of Advances in Parallel Computing. IOS Press, 2012, pp. 405--412. [ bib | DOI ]
[49] Stpiczyński, P., and Potiopa, J. Solving a kind of boundary-value problem for ordinary differential equations using Fermi - the next generation CUDA computing architecture. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 236, 3 (2011), 384--393. [ bib | DOI ]
[48] Stpiczyński, P. Solving linear recurrence systems on hybrid GPU accelerated manycore systems. In Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, September 18-21, 2011, Szczecin, Poland (2011), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 465--470. [ bib | .pdf ]
[47] Stpiczyński, P., and Brzuszek, M. Podstawy programowania obliczeń równoleglych. Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej w Lublinie, 2011. [ bib | .pdf ]
[46] Stpiczyński, P., and Potiopa, J. Solving a kind of BVP for ODEs on heterogeneous CPU + CUDA-enabled GPU systems. In International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology - IMCSIT 2010, Wisla, Poland, 18-20 October 2010, Proceedings (2010), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 349--353. [ bib | .pdf ]
[45] Stpiczyński, P. A parallel non-square tiled algorithm for solving a kind of BVP for second-order ODEs. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 8th International Conference, PPAM 2009, Wroclaw, Poland, September 13-16, 2009. Revised Selected Papers, Part I (2010), vol. 6067 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 87--94. [ bib | DOI ]
[44] Petcu, D., and Stpiczyński, P. Editorial to special section on multi-agent systems and large-scale distributed systems. International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications 3, 4 (2008), 289. [ bib ]
[43] Stpiczyński, P. Solving a kind of BVP for second-order ODEs using novel data formats for dense matrices. In Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, IMCSIT 2008, Wisla, Poland, 20-22 October 2008 (2008), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 293--296. [ bib | DOI ]
[42] Stpiczyński, P. Optymalizacja obliczeń rekurencyjnych na komputerach wektorowych i równoleglych, vol. 29 of Studia Informatica. Silesian University of Technology Press, 2008. [ bib | http ]
[41] Stpiczyński, P. Evaluating linear recursive filters using novel data formats for dense matrices. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 7th International Conference, PPAM 2007, Gdansk, Poland, September 9-12, 2007, Revised Selected Papers (2008), vol. 4967 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 688--697. [ bib | DOI ]
[40] Popiel, H., and Stpiczyński, P. Podstawy algorytmizacji. In Podstawy technologii informacyjnej i informatyki w przykladach i zadaniach. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie Sklodowskiej, Lublin, 2007, pp. 215--230. [ bib ]
[39] Popiel, H., and Stpiczyński, P. Programowanie w jezyku Pascal. In Podstawy technologii informacyjnej i informatyki w przykladach i zadaniach. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie Sklodowskiej, Lublin, 2007, pp. 231--272. [ bib ]
[38] Kartaszyński, R., and Stpiczyński, P. Professionally designed and developed OpenMP parser for the ada programming language using flex. Annales UMCS Informatica 4 (2006), 47--57. [ bib ]
[37] Stpiczyński, P. New data distribution for solving triangular systems on distributed memory machines. In Applied Parallel Computing. State of the Art in Scientific Computing, 8th International Workshop, PARA 2006, Umeå, Sweden, June 18-21, 2006, Revised Selected Papers (2007), vol. 4699 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 589--597. [ bib | DOI ]
[36] Stpiczyński, P., and Potiopa, J. Piecewise cubic interpolation on distributed memory parallel computers and clusters of workstations. In Fifth International Conference on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering (PARELEC 2006), 13-17 September 2006, Bialystok, Poland (2006), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 284--289. [ bib | DOI ]
[35] Stpiczyński, P. Evaluating recursive filters on distributed memory parallel computers. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 22, 11 (2006), 1087--1095. [ bib | DOI ]
[34] Paprzycki, M., and Stpiczyński, P. A brief introduction to parallel computing. In Parallel Computing and Statistics, E. Kontoghiorghes, Ed. Taylor & Francis, 2006, ch. 1, pp. 3--42. [ bib ]
[33] Stpiczyński, P. A note on the numerical inversion of the Laplace transform. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 6th International Conference, PPAM 2005, Poznan, Poland, September 11-14, 2005, Revised Selected Papers (2006), vol. 3911 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 551--558. [ bib | DOI ]
[32] Stpiczyński, P. Valuable resources on aspects of scalable computing. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 5, 12 (2004). [ bib | DOI ]
[31] Kartaszyński, R., and Stpiczyński, P. OpenMP parser for Ada. Annales UMCS Informatica 2 (2004), 47--57. [ bib ]
[30] Stpiczyński, P., and Paprzycki, M. Numerical software for solving dense linear algebra problems on high performance computers. In Proceedings of Aplimat 2005, 4th International Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, February 2005 (2005), Technical Univerity of Bratislava, pp. 207--218. [ bib ]
[29] Stpiczyński, P. Evaluating linear recursive filters on clusters of workstations. Annales UMCS Informatica 2 (2004), 263--268. [ bib ]
[28] Stpiczyński, P. Numerical evaluation of linear recurrences on high performance computers and clusters of workstations. In 2004 International Conference on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering (PARELEC 2004), 7-10 September 2004, Dresden, Germany (2004), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 200--205. [ bib | DOI ]
[27] Stpiczyński, P. Numerical evaluation of linear recurrences on various parallel computers. In Proceedings of Aplimat 2004, 3rd International Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, February 4--6, 2004 (2004), Technical Univerity of Bratislava, pp. 889--894. [ bib ]
[26] Berlińska, J., and Stpiczyński, P. Zastosowanie metod statystycznych do oceny wydajnosci aplikacji rozproszonych. In Wspolczesne problemy sieci komputerowych. WNT, Warszawa, 2004. [ bib ]
[25] Stpiczyński, P. Implementacja rozproszonej pamieci wspólnej przy pomocy zdalnego wywolywania procedur. In Obliczenia naukowe. Wybrane problemy. Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne, Lublin, 2003, pp. 47--53. [ bib ]
[24] Bylina, B., Bylina, J., and Stpiczyński, P. Blokowo-punktowy rozklad WZ macierzy. In Obliczenia naukowe. Wybrane problemy. Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne, Lublin, 2003, pp. 123--130. [ bib ]
[23] Stpiczyński, P. Solving linear recurrence systems using level 2 and 3 BLAS routines. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 5th International Conference, PPAM 2003, Czestochowa, Poland, September 7-10, 2003. Revised Papers (2004), vol. 3019 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 1059--1066. [ bib | DOI ]
[22] Stpiczyński, P. Ada as a language for programming clusters of SMPs. Annales UMCS Informatica 1 (2003), 73--79. [ bib ]
[21] Stpiczyński, P. Fast solver for Toeplitz bidiagonal systems of linear equations. Annales UMCS Informatica 1 (2003), 81--87. [ bib ]
[20] Stpiczyński, P. Fast parallel algorithm for polynomial evaluation. Parallel Algorithms and Applications 18, 4 (2003), 209--216. [ bib | DOI ]
[19] Stpiczyński, P. Snobol4: czy warto ożywiać dinozaury ? Informatyka Stosowana, S2 (2002), 312--318. [ bib ]
[18] Stpiczyński, P. OmpBLAS - biblioteka do obliczeń numerycznych na komputerach z pamiecią wspólną. Informatyka Stosowana, S2 (2001), 291--298. [ bib ]
[17] Stpiczyński, P. Fast parallel algorithms for computing trigonometric sums. In 2002 International Conference on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering (PARELEC 2002), 22-25 September 2002, Warsaw, Poland (2002), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 299--304. [ bib | DOI ]
[16] Stpiczyński, P. Book review: Parallel programming in openmp helps novices (a review of parallel programming in openmp by rohit chandra, leonardo dagum, dave kohr, dror maydan, jeff mcdonald, and ramesh menon). IEEE Distributed Systems Online 3, 8 (2002). [ bib | http ]
[15] Stpiczyński, P. Efficient data-parallel algorithms for computing trigonometric sums. Annales Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Sect. A 56 (2002), 85--96. [ bib ]
[14] Stpiczyński, P. A new message passing algorithm for solving linear recurrence systems. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 4th International Conference, PPAM 2001 Naleczow, Poland, September 9-12, 2001, Revised Papers (2002), vol. 2328 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 466--476. [ bib | DOI ]
[13] Stpiczyński, P., and Paprzycki, M. Fully vectorized solver for linear recurrence systems with constant coefficients. In Proceedings of VECPAR 2000 -- 4th International Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing, Porto, June 2000 (2000), Facultade de Engerharia do Universidade do Porto, pp. 541--551. [ bib ]
[12] Stpiczyński, P. Technika data-parallel w programowaniu obliczeń rozproszonych. Informatyka Stosowana, S2 (2000), 193--198. [ bib ]
[11] Stpiczyński, P. Metoda optymalizacji algorytmów divide & conquer na superkomputerach. Informatyka Stosowana, S1 (1998), 159--166. [ bib ]
[10] Stpiczyński, P. Programowanie serwerów gier w jezyku Java. In Informatyka w Szkole XIV (1998), M. M. Syslo, Ed., pp. 193--194. [ bib ]
[9] Stpiczyński, P. Review of the book: Proceedings of the eight SIAM conference on parallel processing for scientific omputing, by Michael Heath et al., eds. IEEE Concurrency 6, 2 (1998), 94. [ bib ]
[8] Stpiczyński, P. Review of the book: Local area networks: A client / server approach, by James E. Goldman. IEEE Concurrency 5, 3 (1997), 75--76. [ bib ]
[7] Paprzycki, M., and Stpiczyński, P. Parallel solution of linear recurrence systems. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 76, S2 (1996), 5--8. [ bib ]
[6] Stpiczyński, P., and Paprzycki, M. Parallel algorithms for finding trigonometric sums. In Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing -- Proceedings of the Sixth SIAM Conference on Parallel Computing, San Francisco, February 1995 (1995), D. Bailey et al., Eds., SIAM, pp. 291--292. [ bib ]
[5] Paprzycki, M., and Stpiczyński, P. Solving linear recurrence systems on parallel computers. In Toward Teraflop Computing and New Grand Challenge Applications -- Proceedings of the Conference Mardi Gras'94, Baton Rouge, February 1994 (1995), R. Kalia and P. Vashishta, Eds., Nova Science Publishers, pp. 379--384. [ bib ]
[4] Paprzycki, M., and Stpiczyński, P. Solving linear recurrence systems on a Cray Y-MP. In Parallel Scientific Computing, First International Workshop, PARA '94, Lyngby, Denmark, June 20-23, 1994, Proceedings (1994), vol. 879 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 416--424. [ bib | DOI ]
[3] Stpiczyński, P. Error analysis of two parallel algorithms for solving linear recurrence systems. Parallel Computing 19, 8 (1993), 917--923. [ bib | DOI ]
[2] Stpiczyński, P. Parallel algorithms for solving linear recurrence systems. In Parallel Processing: CONPAR 92 - VAPP V, Second Joint International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing, Lyon, France, September 1-4, 1992, Proceedings (1992), vol. 634 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 343--348. [ bib | DOI ]
[1] Stpiczyński, P. Parallel Cholesky factorization on orthogonal multiprocessors. Parallel Computing 18, 2 (1992), 213--219. [ bib | DOI ]

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